It’s Time To Make Your Voice Heard

Psychoanalytic Therapy Helping Teens and Adults Heal

In-person in Chicago and online throughout Illinois


It’s always the same struggle.

You’re paralyzed by depressive thoughts and anxious responses.

Forever stuck repeating the same harmful cycles again and again.

And with each downward spiral, it feels more hopeless.

You feel like everything you do is meaningless and pointless.

So much is expected of you, and you’re desperate not to let anyone down.

But the pressure to always be perfect is slowly crushing you under its weight.

You second-guess every decision and endlessly ruminate over each choice until you’re paralyzed to take any action.

Each day you feel further isolated from those around you.

You’re desperate to feel heard and recognized, to feel supported, comfortable, and secure in your own decisions.

But you wonder how anyone else could understand what you’re going through when you barely understand it yourself.

So instead, you keep it all inside, pretending to be okay when, in reality, you feel like you’re in pieces.

You try to resolve your feelings on your own.

For a while, pretending to be okay was enough to go unnoticed among the crowd.

But at one point, self-help books and looking up on Google a name for your feelings and responses proved not enough.

It felt like a defeat to need someone else to help you make sense of your own life.

But it also looked like the end of the line, nowhere to go using your own tools.

There is another way.

It’s time to explore the root causes of your pain.

Let’s identify the link between past thoughts and experiences and your current struggles.

A better path is possible. And I can help you walk through it.

Schedule Your Free Consultation Now

Hi, I’m Leila.

It’s my passion to listen, and partner with each person to understand the underlying causes of their depression, anxiety, and anger.

I provide a safe space where you can freely express yourself openly and without judgment. We’ll work to elevate your voice and identify what you truly want from life.

Together, we’ll craft a treatment tailored to your needs and strengths and find creative, unique solutions to your suffering.

If you’re ready to take the next step on your healing journey, I’m here to join you.

More about me Call me now

Find the support you deserve.

Don’t wait any longer to start living the joyful, purposeful life you’ve always wanted.

Reach out now for your free 20-minute consultation.

let’s get started today!